Collectors' Garden




Quirky and macabre sculptures are enveloped by dramatic planted brush strokes in this unique residential garden in Starwood. Rectilinear grasses frame and embrace the art to mimic the rhythm of the mountains beyond, while serpentine beds reach into the landscape, enlivening the hillside and skewing the viewer’s perception. These gestures balance the humor of the collection with a sense of order and sequence. Each sculpture has a context of its own but also initiates dialogue with other pieces, which is revealed through ever-shifting site lines and overlapping movements in the planting.

Paths and sculptural seating delightfully choreograph the experience of discovery. As Nord Wennerstrom describes the experience in Landscape Architecture Magazine: “Wandering through the garden, I was constantly tempted in different directions (I took nearly 100 photos and regret that was not enough)” –LAM May 2013.

This project represents previous and ongoing work experience led by Ryan. Collectors’ Garden received a Colorado Chapter of American Society of Landscape Architects Residential Honor Award and was published in Landscape Architecture Magazine in May 2013.

Collaborators: Rocky Mountain Gardens (original installation), Busy Beaver Gardens (maintenance + evolution), artist names available upon request